UB Varsity Men and Women took to Fish Creek in Saratoga Springs on Saturday for their last fall race of the season. Competition was deep with many Division I schools and fast clubs making an appearance. UB raced in the Varsity Men’s 4, Varsity Men’s 8 and Women’s Varsity 4. The women’s 4 had the best finish of the day coming 28 of 37 entries.
The team now focuses on winter training and continuing to build a strong foundation that will take us into the spring season.
For full results from the regatta you can click here:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTkqG1avEIqsNCpzRQ--39w5NcZJTTXLpm4zg28y7-DoSf5Crm5T3DR8mU3LE6CKjbQP5mJvTx-aQnZ/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true