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UB Rowing Athlete of the Week Keelin Murphy-Collins

Name: Keelin Murphy-Collins

Year in School: Transfer student, second year

Major: Biology major

Experienced or Walk/On: I am an experienced rower

Why did you start rowing: I started rowing in my freshman year of high school at my mom's request and fell in love with the sport, after a while, it was one of the only things I liked about school and pushed me to be successful so much that I was awarded for sportsmanship in my junior year and kept me in honor and merit roll throughout high school.

Favorite rowing memory: my favorite memory from my rowing career would probably be from states my junior year of high school because I was in a four-boat competing with my friends for an entire weekend and it was just a lot of fun.

What have you learned about yourself through rowing: through my experience rowing I have learned how to see improvements in myself and how to work to make myself a better rower and better teammate

What keeps you coming back every day: The reason I keep coming back to rowing is that it brings me so much joy, going outside with the team for early morning practice is like a reset for the mind and it puts me in such a better mood.


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