Name: Kayla Sterner
Year in school: Freshman
Major: Sociology
Experienced or Walk on: I rowed for a couple seasons at BSRA
Why did you start rowing? I’ve just always loved the water and found it calming so when I found out girls from my high school were on the rowing team I had to join.
What is your favorite memory? I don’t really have a specific favorite memory, I just love the friendships that have come out of those couple seasons rowing and the fun we’ve all managed to have at practices.
What have you learned about yourself through rowing? Rowing has definitely taught me perseverance and not letting your teammates down and staying determined, strong, and focused until the race is over.
What is your favorite thing about rowing that keeps you coming back each day? My favorite thing about rowing is definitely being on the water, especially when the sun is rising. It’s so peaceful and a great way to start the day.